Center For Sight
314 N. Tamiami Trail Punta Gorda FL 33950 941-637-0202
Why Do You Need To Have Regular Eye Exams? Hero

Why Do You Need To Have Regular Eye Exams?

Why Do You Need To Have Regular Eye Exams?

When your eyes are working the way they should be, it is often fairly easy to assume you are completely fine and skip your annual eye exam. After all, you can see just fine, your prescription hasn’t noticeably changed, and you are healthy. While skipping your exam may be tempting considering that you have so […]

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These Health Conditions Could Lead To Vision Loss

As a local Punta Gorda optometrist, it is our main goal to simply protect your vision and make sure that you continue to see clearly for as long as possible. While we certainly do everything we can to ensure this is what happens, you also can be a part of this process. Knowing what sorts […]

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Vision Conditions That Your Optometrist Can Identify

Your optometrist knows best. When it comes to your eyes at least. If you have noticed that your eyes aren’t feeling or seeing quite right recently, we would recommend that you stop into the Bayside Eye Care office in Punta Gorda. We can help to diagnose any vision conditions you may be dealing with that […]

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Caring for your Child’s Vision

Children with uncorrected vision conditions or eye health problems face many barriers in life, academically, socially, and athletically. High-quality eye care can break down these barriers and help enable your children to reach their highest potential, and our eye center can help! As a parent, make sure you are giving your children the eye care […]

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