In the beginning of January, you can’t escape resolutions and goals regarding better health. Scrolling through your social media accounts, chatting with coworkers, or even having internal dialogue regarding your own healthy practices, it seems that the new year is always marked by a need for improving our overall wellness.
And people are pretty great at diving into their health goals. They’ll sign up for gym memberships, start meal prepping on Sundays, and vow to get more sleep. We look for ways to manage our mental health and better deal with stress, we tackle our physical health, but in the midst of all these changes, something very important gets swept under the rug. Our eye health and vision nearly always ends up being overlooked (pun intended).
We forget how important our vision is until it’s gone. Bayside Eye Center has some great resolutions that can help keep your vision as a top priority in 2019. With these healthy practices, we predict that your eyes won’t be the only part of you that’s positively impacted. See how to prioritize the health of your eyes in 2019, and make a visit with our eye clinic today!
Take Breaks From Screens
Especially if your job revolves around staring at computer screens, this can be hard to do, but we all have a tendency to stare at our phones or tablets for too long. While the light from screens has not been proven to affect vision, our eyes become strained from focusing too intently for extended periods of time. For every 20 minutes you look at a screen, take a 20-second break and look at least 20 feet away. You can also make a goal of spending less time on your phone, which is also great for your overall health.
Eat Foods That Your Eyes Love
Foods rich in vitamin A and zinc are excellent for sustaining healthy vision, as are foods that have plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. Not sure which foods will check these boxes? Fish, nuts, legumes, seeds, leafy green vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, and eggs are chock-full of essential vitamins and minerals that your eyes are sure to love.
Don’t Smoke
If you’re a smoker, take this as your sign to quit — if you’ve never smoked, it’s best to keep it that way. Smoking has many negative consequences for your health, and your eyes are no exception. If you’ve been looking (or avoiding) yet another reason to throw out your last pack, helping your keep your eyes healthy is an excellent reason to stop smoking.
Get Enough Sleep
One-third of adults do not get enough sleep, and this can impact our eye health and vision. Sleeping isn’t just a chance for us to feel better, it’s a physical way to help our eyes recharge. Aim for getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night — you’ll feel better as a whole, and your eyes will benefit as well.
Visit the Eye Doctor
Taking an annual trip to your local eye clinic every year is one of the best things you can do to help your vision. Potential problems are spotted, new prescriptions are diagnosed, and your eye health is given some time to be a top priority in your life. Make 2019 your healthiest year yet — schedule an appointment with Dr. Lang or Dr. Cottone at our eye clinic today!