Center For Sight
314 N. Tamiami Trail Punta Gorda FL 33950 941-637-0202
Eye Exam Myths Hero

Eye Exam Myths

Eye Exam Myths

“The only thing to fear is fear itself” said President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He wasn’t wrong. We often avoid things that we’re afraid of, only to realize later that when we’re forced to face our fears, it’s not as bad as it once seemed. Countless people avoid going to the eye doctor each year because […]

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Healthy Eyes in the New Year

In the beginning of January, you can’t escape resolutions and goals regarding better health. Scrolling through your social media accounts, chatting with coworkers, or even having internal dialogue regarding your own healthy practices, it seems that the new year is always marked by a need for improving our overall wellness. And people are pretty great […]

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Contacts vs. Glasses

It’s the age old debate, the tried and true question that nearly everyone considers at some point in their life: should I get glasses or contacts? There are advantages to both, and everyone seems to gravitate towards one preference or another eventually, but there are still plenty of us who are hemming and hawing over […]

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Dealing With Eye Clinic Anxiety

For some people, they don’t think twice about going to the eye doctor. Having that burst of air puffed into your eye? No sweat. Getting eye drops that dilate your pupils? No big deal. Touching their eyes to pull out contacts, or to put them in? Easy peasy. Then there’s the rest of us. The […]

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These Health Conditions Could Lead To Vision Loss

As a local Punta Gorda optometrist, it is our main goal to simply protect your vision and make sure that you continue to see clearly for as long as possible. While we certainly do everything we can to ensure this is what happens, you also can be a part of this process. Knowing what sorts […]

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