Center For Sight
314 N. Tamiami Trail Punta Gorda FL 33950 941-637-0202
Corneal Refractive Therapy Hero

Category: Eye Center Punta Gorda

Corneal Refractive Therapy

Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT) is the newest advancement in refractive therapy options. CRT allows you to see clearly during the day without glasses or contact lenses. Specially designed therapeutic lenses gently reshape the front surface of your eye while you sleep. Put an End To Glasses and Contacts Imagine great vision all day without contacts, […]

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Caring for your Child’s Vision

Children with uncorrected vision conditions or eye health problems face many barriers in life, academically, socially, and athletically. High-quality eye care can break down these barriers and help enable your children to reach their highest potential, and our eye center can help! As a parent, make sure you are giving your children the eye care […]

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Eyes Over Age 40

As people get older, usually around their mid to late 40s, a condition called presbyopia can set in. Presbyopia is the inability to focus on objects near the eye. One usually notices that it is harder to read or use the computer. Bifocals or reading glasses are a way to remedy this condition. Presbyopia is […]

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