Center For Sight
314 N. Tamiami Trail Punta Gorda FL 33950 941-637-0202
Why Smoking Is Bad for Your Eyes Hero

Why Smoking Is Bad for Your Eyes

If you are a smoker, chances are that you have heard from a number of people how bad smoking is for you. Whether it be your friends and family passing along the message, or your physician informing you of the health risks smoking cigarettes poses, we know you’ve heard your fair share of lectures. However, did you know that smoking is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the United States? Smoking doesn’t just cause damage to your lungs, but it harms nearly every organ in your body — including your eyes.

It is the job of your local Punta Gorda optometrist cares about the health of your eyes and your overall health as well. Check out the infographic below to uncover what sort of problems smoking can cause for your vision.

Written by Todd Lang

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