Center For Sight
314 N. Tamiami Trail Punta Gorda FL 33950 941-637-0202
Dealing With Eye Clinic Anxiety Hero

Dealing With Eye Clinic Anxiety

For some people, they don’t think twice about going to the eye doctor. Having that burst of air puffed into your eye? No sweat. Getting eye drops that dilate your pupils? No big deal. Touching their eyes to pull out contacts, or to put them in? Easy peasy.

Then there’s the rest of us. The people who avoid the eye doctor like the plague, who are afraid of having anyone close to one of our most important organs, and even just the thought of LASIK brings about sheer terror. For everyone who has an actual fear of going to the eye doctor, or even for anyone who feels some measure of discomfort, this blog’s for you. Bayside Eye Center has the experienced and compassionate eye doctors you deserve, to ensure that your experience is an incredible one. Learn more about dealing with eye clinic anxiety, and start conquering your fears with a trip to Bayside Eye Center!

Put it in perspective.

Before we start trying to correct or change our fears, it’s important to truly understand them. What is it that you don’t like about the eye doctor? Is there a specific procedure that drives you crazy? Have family members or friends had negative experiences or diagnoses? Do you just hate feeling like you’re failing a test?

Figure out exactly why you don’t like visiting the eye doctor, and put those reasons into perspective. Are they really worth sacrificing the health of your eyes for? The answer is pretty simple when you think about it in this regard. Plus, it’s also important to remember that if you don’t visit the eye doctor, you could very well have eye conditions that worsen, and require even more visits and/or treatments in the future. Prevention seems scary, but the alternative is significantly worse.

Make the call, and put it on the calendar.

It seems simple enough, but scheduling something — especially when it’s not something you want to do — can be the death of us. A lot of this is build-up and anticipation, and is what prevents us from simply making the appointment.

Take this as your sign to make the call. Alternatively, give yourself a deadline, and modestly reward yourself for completing such a task. Promise to call and schedule an appointment with the eye doctor before 3:00, and if you succeed, treat yourself to a coffee the next day from a local cafe. Or go for a bike ride after work, or allow yourself to watch an extra episode of your favorite Netflix show. Rewards don’t need to be over the top, but you’re facing a fear, and that should absolutely be commended.

Tell your eye doctor what’s going on.

Doctors, especially like Dr. Cottone, want to know what’s going on with your eyes. It can feel like a lot of pressure, like there’s something wrong with you, as a person, if there’s something wrong with your vision, but that’s not at all the case. Communicate both any symptoms that you’re experiencing, as well as any fears that you may have. Chances are, your eye doctor will (at the very least) be able to assuage any negative associations you have, and may even be able to omit certain things or procedures that are causing you worry.

Go regularly.

It might seem foolish to go to a place that brings you fear and dread — we get it. However, it’s also true that, oftentimes, our fears begin to dissipate when we’re exposed to them, or are required to face them. The longer you put something off, the more your fear can build, simply because you’re afraid of the unknown. Nearly always, once someone actually gets to the eye doctor, they leave with a mindset of “well, that wasn’t so bad.”

Not only is going to the eye doctor yearly a way to lessen your fears and make it a more regular occurrence, it’s practical. Your eye doctor will be better able to have a handle on the overall health of your eyes, and provide you with the information and answers you need.

Focus on the fun.

Whenever you can, find the joy in a situation. It’s one of the fastest ways to combat some fear. For starters, remember that if your prescription changes, this is an opportunity to get some new glasses, which is so much fun! You get to pick through different frames, choose on the perfect shape, size, and color for your face, and then feel confident (and feel like you can properly see again) with your new look.

If a trip to the eye doctor seems to only bring anxiety, then it might be time to make your own fun. Take yourself out for an ice cream cone after the appointment, or — if you can swing it — take the rest of the day off of work to relax and unwind. As another idea, bring a friend or loved one who can help make some of the fear disappear, just by offering moral support.

The eye doctor’s office can seem terrifying, but once you visit our Punta Gorda clinic, we’re pretty sure you’ll feel differently. Doctors Lang and Cottone, as well as everyone on our staff, are highly trained and experienced in providing you with compassionate care. Whether needing a checkup, a new prescription, a contacts consultation, or any other one of our many services, we are here for you. Be brave — book your appointment with Bayside Eye Center today.

Written by Todd Lang

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